Arena Billboard Advertising
The WDRA rents advertising wall space inside the arena. The signs are mounted on the wall surrounding the ice surface area. These billboards offer an excellent opportunity to promote your business as well as express your support for local events in the community. As a business owner, you can be sure that your advertisement will be seen by hundreds of spectators each year.
This popular method of advertising is trouble-free and inexpensive. The WDRA will arrange for production of billboards, as well as the mounting and maintaining of them in our arena.
Benefits of Advertising in the Westmeath Arena
- Dozens of ice hockey teams, their families and fans regularly play or attend ice-hockey games over the course of a season
- Increased visibility within the community
- Community events, other than hockey season, generate large groups of patrons
- Hundreds of visits per year during public skating
- Billboard advertisements are clearly visible from the second floor banquet hall, which hosts events year round
- These captive audiences will be more receptive to these advertisements than newspaper, radio broadcast or television ads
- Two Sizes: large – 4 ft x 8 ft, small 2 ft x 4 ft - in 6 mm fluted plastic, coloured board
- Cost: large: $250 +HST, small: $85 +HST; produced by Sun Sign Graphics
- Costs borne by advertiser
- Advertiser to provide sign maker with artwork, business card, logo, etc.
- All locations are on a first come-first serve basis
- The signs will be installed, cleaned and maintained by the WDRA
- Rent is $200 + HST for large, and $100 +HST for small size, payable to the WDRA
- Advertising Year goes from September 1st to August 31st
- Invoices issued annually
- There is no provision for exclusive advertising to block similar businesses
Contact Us for further information.
WDRA Newsletter Advertising
The WDRA publishes a newsletter, on or about the first day of each month. The aim is to keep the whole community aware of ongoing recreational activities and invite maximum participation.
The newsletter is a four page black and white flyer, which provides a list of upcoming public activities, follow-up details of the bigger events, articles of community and human interest, pictures of community members and activities, acknowledgment of the many dedicated volunteers who continue to build the community, and business card size advertisements. The advertising revenue from these ads, helps to cover most of the costs of reproduction and postage.
Benefits of advertising in the WDRA Newsletter
- Comprehensive circulation: The newsletter is mailed to each of the more than 1,200 households in the area of Westmeath, Perretton, La Passe and Beachburg.
- Wide area of Influence: Pembroke based businesses can benefit from marketing into the WDRA area of influence, because Pembroke is the main shopping hub.
- Quality production: The clean and professional look of the newsletter represents high quality.
- Community Booster: Advertisers support the community in allowing the newsletter to be produced and distributed.
Advertisement Design
- WDRA can duplicate your business card into a B & W ad, or we can design a basic ad for your approval
- Ads need to be provided to the newsletter by the 15th day of the month prior to the month of issue.
- $17.70 plus 13% HST = Total of $20.00; which covers insertion in one month’s issue
- Book 6 insertions for 6 months for a total of $120.00, to reduce paperwork
- An invoice is issued after release of the first insertion, and upon satisfaction of advertiser
Contact Us for further information.
Website Business Directory Listing
Offered only in conjunction with billboard sign purchase.Posting information about your business or service on the WDRA’s website Business Directory will give you exposure to all traffic to this site; plus the Directory will be the source used by the people of Westmeath, La Passe, Perretton, Beachburg on an ongoing basis. People increasingly have turned to the web for contact information, leaving behind the printed telephone book.
Traffic to the site is regular and ongoing as people needing information about hockey tournaments, community events, weddings, dances and meetings of every type, will be using the site. They will appreciate having your contact information in such a handy format.
Visitors and travellers, unfamiliar with the Upper Ottawa Valley, or those who live here only part time, such as residents in our large cottage community, will use the site to find goods and services in the area.
You will have a link to your own website – something not available to you via radio, TV, print or billboard advertising.
You are responsible for the accuracy of your Listing.
Contact the WDRA for further information