Westmeath 4-H Club
Meets weekly at the Recreation Centre
Leader: Anne Bromley 613.587.4517
Vision Statement: We will be recognized for delivering quality, innovative,
and sustainable leadership and life skill programs for youth and volunteers;
benefiting the citizens and communities in which they live.
Our Motto is ‘Learn to do by doing’
The 4-H pledge:
I pledge –
My head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service, and
My health to better living,
For my club, my community, my country, and my world.
The Westmeath 4-H club is one of the most active in the county. It has been fortunate to have tremendous support from the parents and members of the community in running the clubs. People are always willing to come out and share their talent with the 4-H members. A club ranges from 10-40 members, often attracting members from other areas in the county.
Last year members participated in a 3 day learning opportunity in Kemptville, a trip to Quebec to join in their youth rally days, a trip to McGill University to improve judging skills and also a couple of members attended the 4-H conference in the Waterloo area..They never say no to an opportunity!
The area club has a strong life skills 4-H program and always trying new things. They have done everything from square dancing to cooking with chocolate as well as scrap booking and a variety of sports. The club in the past few years has organized Christmas in the Village with the funds raised used for local charities. It helped as needed in different events in the area. It appreciates very much the use of the rink & community centre for the many activities.
This enthusiastic bunch participates in the dairy clubs, showing beef in the Beachburg area as well as sheep in Renfrew or Cobden.
4-H in Renfrew County, as it is everywhere, is all about opportunities to learn and do new things. This is what the leaders in this area strive to provide to the young people. Opportunities! – It is up to each member to take advantage of them.
For more information: Check out the 4H website or telephone Anne Bromley (613) 587-4517
Historical Note: The Westmeath Community 4-H Club was formed on March 17th 1976. Until that time the boys and girls had belonged to the Beachburg 4-H. The 1975 Beachburg 4-H had a membership of 40 – so Westmeath members deemed it advisable to organize their own 4-H Club. Leaders were Arthur McBride and Robert Bromley and 16 members enrolled at the first meeting.
Riverview Social Club
Meets weekly at the Recreation Centre
Information: President Doreen McNair, or Membership Convener: Sheila O’Brien 613-582-7028.
Started in the 1960s as the Riverview Seniors Club, it has over the years organized countless social and recreational events for its own membership and the whole community.
This group has been a prime player in the ongoing life of the community for nearly fifty years and shows no sign of slowing down. It’s members were leaders in the raising of funds in the mid-seventies for the new banquet hall, stage and kitchen, which opened in 1976. This active, inventive group continues to raise funds for the WDRA and considers the Hall its “clubhouse”.
The monthly “Soup & Sandwich” lunches are full-capacity events and the annual Christmas Dinner Dance is looked forward to eagerly each year. The costumes at the Halloween Dance just get better and better.
Members raise money throughout the year by Craft and Bake sales and raffle tickets on such as a hand-stitched quilt, to fund their annual bus trip and so much more. The Social Club contributes in a big way both financially and with countless person-hours to the smooth functioning of the Recreation Centre and WDRA activities.
Fitness Classes for Older Adults
Weekly classes are for all fitness levels at the Recreation Centre and the La Passe Hall
For class requirements and details, as well as dates and times ,
please contact the Health Centre at (613) 582-3685,
or visit